Khulna Government Model School and College is a reputed educational institution for opening. Located at Jalil Table in Boira, Khulna. Khulna Government Model School and College is an autonomous educational institution. Educational Institutional Policy is the force of knowledge.
The land area of the educational institution is 2 acres. Students from sixth to tenth class get education from educational institutions. This educational institution has 65 rooms and ten science laboratories. In addition to formal education, there are cultural literature programs, physical education, library, rehearsals, competitive educational tours, etc. Students get the opportunity to study in this educational institution through admission test every year. Educational Institution is a reputed educational institution for good results.The educational institution receives the Environment Medal for the environment. Apart from that, it received medals and honors in 2016 as a digital educational institution. Every year the admission test in the educational institution is a fierce competition.
Due to the global epidemic of coronavirus in the current world, the teaching system in every educational institution has been suspended. The Minister of Education of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh has announced that this year’s secondary students will be given the opportunity to be admitted to educational institutions through lottery.
Therefore, all the students who will apply for admission in the Government Model School and College in the 2023 academic year this year should apply for admission from 15th to 26th December. In the 2023 academic year, 120 students in the third class, 12 students in the sixth class, and 145 students in the three faculties in the ninth class will get the opportunity to get admission in vacant seats.
The price of the admission form of the educational institution is 110 rupees. Students will be able to apply online at the educational institution without holding a public meeting and the results of the educational institution will be published through lottery on December 30.
A lottery was organized on December 30 based on the names of students who have applied to study at Khulna Government Model School and College. If you want to download the PDF file of the names of the students who have been removed, you can click on the download option on our website.
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